Before I was born my parents purchased a
John Boos chopping block. The kind with legs and casters. I feel like I spend my childhood sitting on that chopping block. At some point after college, my parents passed on some of their things to me as the downsized to a smaller home. Among the treasures was the butcher block. I was thrilled and it was my favorite item in the lot. When Sean & I (and baby Isabel*) moved to Morocco, many of the family treasures that weren't going with us were bequeathed to my brother, Jamie. Now we are home.
Jamie has a lovely home filled with lots of great finds, but it's that chopping block I'm always eyeing. Though they have offered us everything back - I would never! I don't want to be called naughty things.
Then, last weekend, as we were meandering through a flea-market-type-thing by our home, I saw it.
The identical John Boos chopping block of childhood fame! For $150. You can't buy a
John Boos cutting board for that little. Sean's eyes met mine. He knew exactly what I was thinking. I knew exactly what he was thinking.
We have no money, and if we did, the last thing we need is a large chopping block. We left chopping-block less.
I couldn't get it off my mind. I mentioned it to my mom and she said "Go get it now. I'll send you the money." Even Sean was wavering. I started stalking the seller. Doing drive-bys of his little stall at the flea market, calling the number that was posted there. Nothing. Finally, yesterday I spotted the guy during my afternoon drive-by. He was talking with a nice woman but I interrupted them.
"Do you still have that chopping block?"
"Nope, gone."
Then the nice lady pipes up, "That's what I came for too."
It's a sad tale. Still, I don't believe this is the end of the story.
The spark has ignited, the search will go on.
*names have been changed to protect the innocent