My aesthetic lies somewhere in the realm of simple/classic/modern /organic. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Most of the design blogs that I have visited, and there have been many, lend themselves heavily to one of these categories. There must be more people out there besides me that just like a little bit of each of these, too much and it is no longer appealing. I am carving out a niche for any others out there that are saying 'amen' right now. The 4 of us can have a nice time here visiting.
But I digress.
When I think wide open space, I think farmhouse. There are a lot that I have seen that have a certain appeal. Some lie in each of the categories listed above and some exist in a perfect blended state. I'd love to see what you have found. Here's what I've got:

{all images but last first seen at Farmhouse Modern and are from Walker|Warner, Jackson Meadow, Fornesto Despues, Backen Gillam, CCY Architects, Martha Stewart}
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