Monday, December 1, 2008
My little one got sick over the holiday weekend. Runny Nose, watery eyes, fever. While I was at the store yesterday I picked up some children's cold medicine to help him be more comfortable. I am not one that likes to cover every symptom with drugs but there are definitely times when I falter at the sight of his sweet, sad, dripping face. Yesterday was one of those times. Thankfully, his father who clearly possesses a better memory than I, reminded me that the FDA nearly banned cold medicines for children last year. How did I forget that?
This morning while my little one was even more miserable then yesterday, I remembered something I had considered buying as we were preparing to move to Morocco. It's a "homeopathic remedy chest". I had nearly purchased the one sold by Hyland's but it just never happened. I feel pretty ignorant on items such as these but I am open and it comes with a manuel. I am curious if any of you have ever used something like this and what were your results. I love taking the natural course of action when I feel confident that it is relatively safe and effective.
here's what Hyland's Remedy Kit contains:
1 ACONITUM NAPELLUS | for Colds & Fevers with Sudden Onset
2 ALLIUM CEPA | for Runny Nose
3 ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM | for Coughs with Mucous in Chest
4 APIS MELLIFICA | for Bites, Stings & Swellings
5/6 ARNICA MONTANA (2 BOTTLES) | for Bruising & Muscle Soreness
7 ARSENICUM ALBUM | for Diarrhea
8 BELLADONNA | for Fevers & Inflammation
9 BRYONIA ALBA | for Dry Cough/Arthritis Pain
11 CANTHARIS | for Bladder Irritation
13 CHAMOMILLA | for Teething & Irritability
14 FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM | for Fevers & Inflammation
15 GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS | for Headaches/Flus with Muscle Pain
16 HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM | for Cough & Runny Nose
18 IGNATIA AMARA | for Grief & Emotional Upset
19 IPECACUANHA | for Nausea & Vomiting
20 LEDUM PALUSTRE | for Bites, Stings & Minor Puncture Wounds
21 MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA | for Menstrual Cramps
22 MERCURIUS VIVUS | for Sore Throat
23 NUX VOMICA | for Indigestion & Nausea
24 PHOSPHORUS | for Cough & Sore Throat
25 PULSATILLA NIGRICANS | for Colds with Runny Nose
26 RHUS TOXICODENDRON | for Arthritis Pain, Better from Motion
27 RUTA GRAVEOLENS | for Sprains & Tendonitis
28 SPONGIA TOSTA | for Coughs
29 SULPHUR | for Rashes & Eczema
30 VERATRUM ALBUM | for Diarrhea with Vomiting
So the hubs is a doctor and he never minds using medicine but he is also open to homeopathic remedies. He says that many of them have been proven to be pretty effective. My college roommate used strictly homeopathic and she frequently "treated" me with essential oils. I have to say I think some of her teas and oils were very helpful. I love this kit! I've never seen it before. I will definitely think of buying it for our child too since I also hate the idea of medicating kids!