Friday, January 16, 2009

Frye Boots - family heirlooms

Some people leave their daughters jewelry.  Should my daughters be blessed with size seven and a half feet, I will be leaving them boots. Not just any boots, mind you.  Frye boots.  Frye Company is the oldest continually operating shoe company in America, since 1863. These people know what they are doing.  Not only do they make beautiful footwear of exceptional quality, but they also have figured out a way to have an almost universal appeal.  

My Frye obsession began a few years back, and since then I have noted their boots in places such as Sundance and Garnet Hill, and then over Christmas I spotted some Frye's in Urban Outfitters. That's an enormous range.  I can't help wishing that they weren't quite so popular.  But since the secrets out, I may as well publicly add myself to their list of admirers.

They ain't cheap, but they will last through your lifetime and well on into your daughters'. 

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